Sunday, November 15, 2015

Create Post

This week I created a word map using the site Tagul.  This site picks out the words in a piece of writing that are used the most frequently.  I used the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.  The class that I am interning in is doing a unit on Poe and I taught a lesson on one of his other poems Annabel Lee.  I tried doing the map for Annabel Lee but I didn’t like the way it looked as compared to The Raven.  This is a tool I can see using in the classroom.  It can help identify themes and can also make great posters.


  1. I love that you created this as a tool to help students examine text. Your experience with Annabel Lee demonstrates that sometimes the tool won't serve the purpose!

  2. What a cool graphic! I can see this on the wall of any English classroom. I think you should use this if you're ever doing a unit on Poe! I think this is a great reference and could even be given to your students as a handout so they can remember key words and phrases!
